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Eurofins | GeneScan GmbH

Eurofins/GeneScan GmbH is a company of GeneScan Europe AG, a member of the Eurofins Group. Eurofins/GeneScan provides:
- Testing and kits for genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in seed, food, feed and additives
- Qualitative and quantitative Analysis
- DNA/PCR and protein/ELISA and lateral flow test-kits.
- Research and Development of customized PCR-Tests
- Differentiation of Animal and Plant Species
- Identity Preservation (IP) and Food Safety consulting
- NonGMO Supply Chain Certification
- Laboratories and licensees in Germany, USA, Brazil, Australia, China, Japan, South Africa

Provided Branches:
- Plant Breeding
- Agriculture
- Food Industry
- Feed Industry
- Pharmaceutical Industry
- Tobacco Industry
- Laboratories

Biotech Companies, Environmental Remediation, Food & Animal Feed, Analytics, DNA/RNA, Biotech Services
Website address: https://www.bio-pro.de/en/service/research-institutions/details