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Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH

The success of Multi Channel Systems is based on its constantly growing highly-specialized work force. The majority of the creative team holds a Ph.D. in physics, biology, electronics, computer sciences or engineering. The wide variety of experiences is incorporated in the development of innovative high-tech products.
Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH was founded in 1996 & is based in the Science and Technology Park in Reutlingen in Southwest Germany, from where it operates globally (assisted by 10 distribution partners worldwide). Since October 2014, MCS has been a division of Harvard Bioscience, Inc. The main focus of our company is the development of precise scientific measuring instru- mentation and equipment in the field of electrophysiology for research groups at universities & for the pharmaceutical industry. Because of their modular principle, our products can be extended & adjusted to specific experimental needs.
Our goal is the consequential implementation of customer-oriented & innovative technologies. The development according to customers’ needs means development near to the specific applications. Our team has research experience & knows the daily work in laboratories and its problems. Thus, we can develop products researchers really need.
Furthermore, we are in permanent dialog with scientists & strive to be at the cutting edge of technology. This opens up our high innovation potential. Additionally, we are constantly involved in several national & international projects & developing innovations constantly.
All this, as well as over 20 years of experience & over 1,000 satisfied MEA- System users worldwide make us the global market leader in the field of non-clinical microelectrode array electrophysiology.

Biotech CompaniesAnalytics, Bioinformatics, Contract Manufacturing/OEM, Devices
Website address: https://www.bio-pro.de/en/service/research-institutions/details