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HWI development GmbH

HWI development GmbH is specialised in the development and manufacture of small-sized batches of solid dosage forms and dry powder inhalers. We have developed a platform technology especially for prolonged-release formulations. We can handle drug substances up to OEB level 4. Furthermore we have expertise in the manufacture and distribution of investigational medicinal products. We have a broad spectrum of chemical and physical analytical methods for the characterisation of APIs and medicinal products within the scope of product development as well as for root cause analysis and product optimisation in the life cycle. This also includes state-of-the-art methods of measurement, such as X-ray microtomography, Raman imaging and SEM/EDX. By using design of experiments (DoE) we are in a position to offer efficient pharmaceutical development that fully meets the requirements set by Quality by Design.
Along with the analytical services, the reference standards as well as the vigilance and quality services of HWI pharma services GmbH and the regulatory services of i.DRAS GmbH, HWI group offers a broad spectrum of services for APIs, medicinal products and medical devices from one source.

Pharmaceutical CompaniesAnalytics, Contract Manufacturing/OEM, Contract Research & Development
Website address: https://www.bio-pro.de/en/service/research-institutions/details