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TherapySelect Dr. Frank Kischkel

TherapySelect Dr. Frank Kischkel is a biotech and medtech company. Its focus is the development, clinical validation, marketing and sales of diagnostic tests for cancer patients. The company's aim is to increase patient's survival and quality of life as well as to reduce the costs in health care system.

TherapySelect has three main areas of activity. Firstly development and sales of own or licensed products, secondly distribution of other diagnostic tests, and thirdly offering its diagnostic platform(s) for pharma companys' product development.

Ad 1: TherapySelect sales its own clinically well validated chemotherapy resistance assay (CTR-Test®) worldwide. The test is an in vitro chemoresistance assay on living tumor cells. The CTR-Test® has shown in various clinical trials to be greater than 95% accurate in predicting ineffectiveness of chemotherapies prior to administration of the drugs. The further development of the CTR-Test® technology as a platform for new products is supported by governmental grants.

Ad 2: TherapySelect cooperates with Paradigm Diagnostics and Guardant Health in order to offer patients biomarker profiling of their tumors or tumor DNA, respectively, in combination with the corresponding data analysis. These services are called PCDx™ and Guardant360®. Furthermore TherapySelect offers a microbiome stool test in order to optimize a healthy diet.

Ad 3: Unsuccessful clinical trials are the most expensive obstacle in drug development. To solve this problem TherapySelect offers the CTR-Test® technology to pharma companies for all clinical trial phases worldwide.

Biotech Companies, Medtech Companies, In-vitro Diagnostics, Analytics, Cells/Cell Lines, Diagnostics

Further information on the websites of BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg:

Website address: https://www.bio-pro.de/en/service/research-institutions/details