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Press release - 08/04/2021 How to enhance innovative value chains in the bioeconomy in the Alpine Space? The European Interreg project AlpLinkBioEco in comes April 2021 to a successful end. The final conference of the project was conducted on the 31st of March 2021 and attracted over 160 participants from different parts of Europe. AlpLinkBioEco, of which BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg is a partner, has been running for three years (2018-2021) as part of the EU-Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP).
Baden-Württemberg is the number one health region in Germany Current projects
Event - 18/10/2018 Tourism meets Bioeconomy Sofia (Bulgaria), Workshop
Event - 14/12/2022 - 15/12/2022 Meet & Match Cell and Gene Therapy Online, Meet & Match
AI application potential & Matchmaking - 22/04/2021 - 06/05/2021 Application Potential of Artificial Intelligence in the Pharmaceutical Industry Online
Exploit opportunities, mastering challenges Post-Brexit
Save the date - 05/12/2017 Phytopharma Day Stuttgart, Meet & Match
Event - 02/07/2019 Meet & Match: Precision Medicine Stuttgart, Registration deadline: 01/07/2019, Meet & Match
Press release - 16/01/2023 GoDanuBio’s contribution to the bioeconomisation of the Danube Region GoDanuBio supported the set-up of policy frameworks and participative governance schemes in the participating regions. The main topics were circular bioeconomy, sustainable rural development and rural-urban interactions.
Save the Date - 25/06/2018 Meet & Match: Computer- and robot-aided surgery Strasbourg, Meet & Match
Press release - 10/10/2022 Recyclable food packaging: quality control for nanocoatings Across the EU, more than 300 billion items of packaging are not recycled every year because they consist of a mixture of different materials. Monomaterial packaging on the other hand is easy to recycle. However, it needs to be coated with ultra-thin barrier layers to protect delicate products just as well as compound materials do.
Final chord of the EU-project Smart SMEs - 31/05/2021 Building a sustainable network for natural fibre-based SMEs in the Alpine Space The European project Smart SMEs came successfully to its end in May 2021 with the final conference, which attracted participants from different parts of Europe.
Press release - 21/10/2022 Three years of ICM: Resource-efficient production – emission-free driving Remaining mobile and producing without overtaxing the earth’s natural regenerative capacity: That’s the aim of the Innovation Campus “Mobility of the Future” (ICM) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the University of Stuttgart. Here, in about 60 research projects and 40 research institutes, almost 300 scientists are working on electric motors without rare earths, novel manufacturing technologies, and self-learning software systems…
Press release - 21/10/2022 Drei Jahre ICM: ressourcenschonend Produzieren – emissionsfrei Fahren Mobil bleiben und produzieren, ohne die natürliche Regenerationsfähigkeit der Erde zu überfordern, das ist der Anspruch des InnovationsCampus Mobilität der Zukunft (ICM) am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie und der Universität Stuttgart. Fast 300 Forschende in gut 60 Forschungsprojekten und 40 -instituten arbeiten hier an Elektromotoren ohne Seltene Erden, neuartigen Fertigungstechnologien und selbstlernenden Software-Systemen für Fahrzeuge.