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TOPATEC Wasser- und Abwassertechnik GmbH

Since 1999 the TOPATEC Abwassertechnik GmbH of successful offerers is for industrial - a commercial water treatment, water recycling, waste water treatment, rainwater use and rainwater infiltration. Customized optimal
project procedures are worked out and are presented. From us projected and thereby to investment-optimized arrangements of treatment and dressing plants are produced customized. When required the assembly and
introduction takes place by us also with the customer. By standard arrangements the assembly and introduction of the customer is possible according to our assembly instructions also itself.

The following procedures are used:
- Mechanically-biological procedures
- physical procedures
- chemical procedures

Our customers in whole Europe estimate our reasonable standard arrangements just as individual system solutions. We offer prospective customer field-competent worked out offer to the optimal working method or to
the complete draft of treatment.

In the following areas our technologies are used:
- Washing water recuperation with the vehicle cleaning
- washing water recuperation with railmounted vehicles
- industrial water treatment and water recuperation
- industrial process water treatment
- industrial waste water treatment
- Water treatment in the food production
- lakes and pond ventilating systems
- industrial rainwater use and infiltration
- rainwater support systems (industrial road construction)

TOPATEC Abwassertechnik GmbH designs and produces the water treatment plants for the most part in own production. Besides, crucial procedure components of the core technologies are protected under patent law.
Selected suppliers of system components protect the high quality standard of our arrangements in the regard of economic viewpoints.

Biotech Companies, Environmental Remediation, Contract Manufacturing/OEM, Water/Wastewater
Website address: https://www.bio-pro.de/en/service/research-institutions/details