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Pfizer Manufacturing Deutschland GmbH

For over 160 years, the Pfizer name has been synonymous with state-of-the-art pharmaceuticals research and development. More than 10,000 researchers and around 97,000 employees worldwide at Pfizer develop and manufacture vaccines and medicines to prevent, cure or alleviate diseases. Our research focuses on cancer, pain, inflammatory diseases and disorders of the central nervous system.

Pfizer currently employs more than 2,000 people at three locations in Germany—Berlin, Freiburg and Karlsruhe. A high-performance hub in Pfizer's global manufacturing and sales network, the Freiburg plant produces six billion tablets a year, alongside other products. Putting its hallmark know-how, innovation and quality into action, this facility has pursued a green strategy and engaged in sustainable, resource-sparing practices for many years. It makes solid drug forms to Industry 4.0 standards using continuous manufacturing technology. CMT sequences individual steps to achieve a smooth, uninterrupted manufacturing flow from incoming raw materials to the outgoing finished product. With this innovative process, the Freiburg factory is a true technology pioneer in the pharmaceutical industry.

Pharmaceutical CompaniesClassical Pharmaceuticals, Generic Drugs
Website address: https://www.bio-pro.de/en/service/research-institutions/details