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GoSilico GmbH

GoSilico is a spin-off of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) that develops software and methods for computer-aided – in silico – bioprocess development. We are a team with a collective experience of 10000+ hours in both lab work and software development. We have worked on more than 25 purification projects big and small. Our experience motivated us to create software tools and methods that will be useful for users and technically feasible. The key idea is to remove all the trouble and obstacles that we faced as academics while working with our industrial partners. We are driven by the motivation of developing solutions that we would want to use ourselves.
We strive to substitute elaborate wet lab experiments with computer simulations that are not only a lot faster but also significantly cheaper. At the same time, our physico-chemical models allow to obtain a deeper understanding of the processes and to facilitate fulfilling quality-by-design demands of regulatory instances.
To this, GoSilico developed a unique simulation platform for chromatography, the workhorse of bioseparation engineering. „ChromX“ aims to integrate into standard laboratory workflows and to make model-based process development available to process engineers that relied on Design-of-Experiments in the past. While putting usability first, the high performance, flexibility and extensibility are reasons why ChromX is meanwhile used in more than 15 countries.
In silico bioprocess development can therefore help enterprises to save time and money while allowing to improve the prospect of success in the development of new drugs or other bioproducts.

Biotech CompaniesBioinformatics, Proteins/Peptides, Contract Research & Development

Further information on the websites of BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg:

Website address: https://www.bio-pro.de/en/service/research-institutions/details