Event - 18/10/2018 Tourism meets Bioeconomy Sofia (Bulgaria), Workshop https://www.bio-pro.de/en/events/past-events/tourism-meets-bioeconomy
Quantum Technology Ulm - 08/04/2021 Diamonds for life sciences innovations The world's first commercial quantum computer,’IBM Q System One’, is now in operation in Ehningen near Stuttgart. This is a major leap forward in quantum technology in Germany. It marks the point at which conventional computers reach their limits. The University of Ulm is involved in three of six collaborative projects being funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing Construction.https://www.gesundheitsindustrie-bw.de/en/article/news/diamonds-life-sciences-innovations
AI application potential & Matchmaking - 22/04/2021 - 06/05/2021 Application Potential of Artificial Intelligence in the Pharmaceutical Industry Onlinehttps://www.bio-pro.de/en/events/past-events/ki-in-der-pharmaindustrie
Dossier - 23/09/2013 Bioeconomy a new model for industry and the economy On the one hand, a bioeconomy relies on renewable resources to meet society’s need for food, energy and industrial products. On the other, it emphasises the role of biogenic material flows. The bioeconomy model is expected to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels in the long term. In order to implement the shift to a biobased economy on the regional level, the Baden-Württemberg government launched the Bioeconomy Research Strategy in summer 2013.https://www.biooekonomie-bw.de/en/articles/dossiers/bioeconomy-a-new-model-for-industry-and-the-economy
Project BW2Pro - 29/08/2022 Biowaste to Products: biorefinery transforms biowaste into new products In 2020, Germany’s population collected over 5 million tonnes of biowaste. Most of this was composted, and some was fermented into biogas. Scientists in Baden-Württemberg think there's room for more. Within the project ‘Biowaste to Products’ (BW2Pro) they want to transform biowaste into new products in a biorefinery. The idea is to produce biodegradable plant pots, mulch material, fertilisers, enzymes and biobased plastics in addition to…https://www.biooekonomie-bw.de/en/articles/news/biowaste-products-biorefinery-transforms-biowaste-new-products
Event - 14/12/2022 - 15/12/2022 Meet & Match Cell and Gene Therapy Online, Meet & Match https://www.bio-pro.de/en/events/meet-match-cell-and-gene-therapy
Workplace of the future - 10/08/2021 Intelligent body support system for surgery staff Operating room staff often spend hours in strenuous postures, which has a significant impact on concentration and quality of work. While operating room equipment is increasingly networked, state-of-the-art medical technology, conditions for operating room staff trail way behind. The start-up company Hellstern medical offers an effective solution for serious pain, fatigue and incorrect interventions.https://www.gesundheitsindustrie-bw.de/en/article/news/intelligent-body-support-system-surgery-staff
Dossier - 22/10/2012 Environmental biotechnology Biotechnologists are increasingly learning how to apply the knowledge about biological metabolic processes in the field of environmental protection including waste management and environmental rehabilitation. Environmental biotechnology is a field with great potential. In future bacteria and other microorganisms will most likely also contribute to sustainability and cost efficiency in other areas including the cosmetics and detergent industry as…https://www.biooekonomie-bw.de/en/articles/dossiers/environmental-biotechnology
Health Data Futures project - 11/01/2024 Creating a network of trust In the three-nation project "Health Data Futures", stakeholders and experts from Germany, France and Switzerland have launched a series of patient-centred innovations. Using various future scenarios, the project partners may be able to come up with even more scenarios.https://www.gesundheitsindustrie-bw.de/en/article/news/creating-network-trust
Exploit opportunities, mastering challenges Post-Brexit https://www.bio-pro.de/en/projects/current-projects/post-brexit
Dossier - 09/09/2019 Artificial intelligence in medicine: assistance for human senses There is no way around it. Whether we like it or not, artificial intelligence (AI) has long been part of our lives, in traffic management, marketing campaigns or in the fields of medicine and life sciences. AI is omnipresent, often without us being aware of it. Baden-Württemberg is home to one of the largest AI research consortia in Europe and has recently become one of the European hotspots for this key technology.https://www.gesundheitsindustrie-bw.de/en/article/dossier/artificial-intelligence-medicine-assistance-human-senses
Detecting drug resistance of tumour cells - 25/05/2023 AI-assisted diagnostics declares war on lung cancer Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers and has a particularly high mortality rate. A significant challenge in treating this disease lies in the resistance of lung tumours to conventional drug therapies, rendering chemotherapy ineffective. There is hope on the horizon as a team of experts from Baden-Württemberg has joined forces to develop an innovative AI-supported test procedure that paves the way for individualised therapy approaches.https://www.gesundheitsindustrie-bw.de/en/article/news/ai-assisted-diagnostics-declares-war-lung-cancer
Press release - 02/11/2023 Sustainability Innovation Campus The Sustainability Innovation Campus (ICN) initiated by the University of Freiburg and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), which will begin its work in January 2024, has announced a two-year funding programme for start-up projects. Scientists from the University of Freiburg, KIT and cooperating universities and research institutions are invited to submit their project outlines by 30 November 2023.https://www.biooekonomie-bw.de/en/articles/pm/sustainability-innovation-campus
Press release - 07/06/2024 German Research Foundation honors researchers for animal testing alternatives Prof. Dr. Peter Loskill and Dr. Silke Riegger from the 3R Center Tübingen for in-vitro models and animal testing alternatives have been awarded the Ursula M. Händel Animal Welfare Prize 2024. The prize, endowed with 80,000 euros, was awarded to them in Würzburg for the development of organ-on-chip (OoC) systems as an alternative to animal testing.https://www.gesundheitsindustrie-bw.de/en/article/press-release/german-research-foundation-honors-researchers-animal-testing-alternatives
Dossier - 03/06/2013 Food analytics applied consumer protection Consumers rightly expect to be supplied with healthy, high-quality and safe foods. However, over the past few years, food scandals have frequently hit the headlines. They are brought to light in laboratories that have a huge arsenal of methods and procedures to analyse food. Although the media would have us believe otherwise, the vast majority of foods are safe and very rarely hazardous to human health.https://www.gesundheitsindustrie-bw.de/en/article/dossier/food-analytics-applied-consumer-protection
Save the date - 05/12/2017 Phytopharma Day Stuttgart, Meet & Match https://www.bio-pro.de/en/events/past-events/phytopharma-day
Expert interview - 08/03/2023 How do new active substances from university research reach patients? Access to capital remains one of the biggest challenges in the life sciences sector. Over the last two years, the Baden-Württemberg Center for Academic Drug Discovery (BWCAD2) has successfully implemented a model of cooperation between academic drug research and industry for the development and validation of therapeutic concepts. Dr. Barbara Jonischkeit spoke with the initiator and leading figure behind the BWCAD2 project, Prof. Dr. Stefan Lauferhttps://www.gesundheitsindustrie-bw.de/en/article/news/how-do-new-active-substances-university-research-reach-patients
Dossier - 14/05/2012 Biogas a promising source of renewable energy? In addition to sunlight water and wind biogas is a regenerative source of energy that contributes to saving fossil resources. Germany is home to around 7100 biogas plants including 796 as of 2011 in Baden-Württemberg. In 2010 these facilities produced 11 per cent of the electricity generated from renewables in Germany. Energy-rich methane is the major constituent of biogas and is produced when organic compounds are broken down by bacteria in the…https://www.biooekonomie-bw.de/en/articles/dossiers/biogas-a-promising-source-of-renewable-energy
Dossier - 19/10/2022 More food sustainability: crucial for people and for the environment Strawberries in winter and imported apples? You can find them in most supermarkets. This is not sustainable. Looking to the future, the way we eat needs to change in many mundane ways – and this needs to happen quickly so that future generations will also be able to enjoy a planet that is worth living on. In Baden-Württemberg, alternative nutrition concepts are being worked at pace. Many creative ideas and innovative products already exist.https://www.biooekonomie-bw.de/en/articles/dossiers/more-food-sustainability-crucial-people-and-environment
Start-up 'Innovation Matters' - 19/12/2022 Saffron cultivation in Germany - sustainable with support from robots Saffron is one of the most expensive spices in the world, because picking it involves a complex manual process. This treasure therefore comes to us mostly from countries such as Iran with poor working conditions and low wages. A start-up company called Innovation Matters from Baden-Württemberg is now developing a robot-assisted, automated process that will make saffron cultivation attractive in Germany as well as ecological and fair.https://www.biooekonomie-bw.de/en/articles/news/saffron-cultivation-germany-sustainable-support-robots
Residual materials with potential - 16/03/2023 PeePower™ – energy from urine The objective of the PeePower™ BUGA 2023 collaborative research project is to produce green hydrogen and platform chemicals from wastewater. This fits in nicely with BUGA 2023’s (German National Garden Show) four major themes, namely, climate, energy, environment and food security.https://www.biooekonomie-bw.de/en/articles/pm/peepower-energy-urine