Health Data Scenarios Health Data Scenarios Data generated by the healthcare system has enormous potential for improving the quality of patient-centered care. As part of the Health Data Scenarios project, Basel Area Business & Innovation worked with numerous experts from industry and academia in 2020 to develop ten scenarios of what future health data ecosystems could look like. These scenarios are now being discussed and validated together with experts and opinion leaders from…
Press release - 08/04/2021 How to enhance innovative value chains in the bioeconomy in the Alpine Space? The European Interreg project AlpLinkBioEco in comes April 2021 to a successful end. The final conference of the project was conducted on the 31st of March 2021 and attracted over 160 participants from different parts of Europe. AlpLinkBioEco, of which BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg is a partner, has been running for three years (2018-2021) as part of the EU-Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP).
Press release - 01/04/2021 Joint Masterplan on bioeconomy in the Alpine macro-region unveiled AlpLinkBioEco Interreg project presents one of its main results.
Event - 01/07/2021 Meet & Match 2021 – Microbiome Online, Registration deadline: 17/06/2021, Meet & Match
Exploit opportunities, mastering challenges Post-Brexit
Overview MDR & IVDR Fast-Track Support BW
Zentrales Branchentreffen - 16/09/2021 Forum Healthcare industry 2021 Freiburg & online, Kongress/Symposium
AI application potential & Matchmaking - 22/04/2021 - 06/05/2021 Application Potential of Artificial Intelligence in the Pharmaceutical Industry Online
Event - 05/02/2021 Startup Funding Day online, Informationsveranstaltung
Event - 16/02/2021 Alpine Policy Forum online (Cisco Webex), Registration deadline: 09/02/2021, Kongress/Symposium
Overview Completed projects Hier werden die abgeschlossenen Projekte gesammelt.
Funding European Circular Bioeconomy Fund Funding programme, Funded by: European Investment Bank (EIB), European countries/National Promotional Banks, Industry investors, Financial investors
Life Science job fair - 28/04/2021 CONTACT2021 Heidelberg
Event - 03/11/2020 Building a Sustainable Network for Smart SMEs in the Alpine Region Online event, Registration deadline: 16/10/2020
Event - 26/08/2020 - 27/08/2020 Global Cluster Partnering - Healthcare online
Classification - Clinical Evidence - Evaluation - 08/07/2020 From IVDD to IVDR – smart transition (im-)possible? Online, Registration deadline: 30/06/2020
Funding Novartis announces broad range of initiatives to respond to COVID-19 Pandemic Funding programme, Funded by: Novartis AG
Online Conference - 21/09/2020 - 22/09/2020 3rd International Bioeconomy Congress Baden-Württemberg online, Kongress/Symposium
Virtual event - 03/12/2020 Meet & Match – Immuno-oncology Online edition (veertly), Registration deadline: 13/11/2020, Meet & Match
Registration - 02/07/2019 Registration for Meet & Match - Precision Medicine
Event - 28/05/2019 - 29/05/2019 Sustainable Transformation of the Danube Region and the Future of the Bioeconomy-based Competitiveness Prague (Czech Republic)
Registration - 10/04/2019 Meet & Match: Precision Medicine - Anmeldebestätigung
Event - 02/07/2019 Meet & Match: Precision Medicine Stuttgart, Registration deadline: 01/07/2019, Meet & Match
Event - 13/03/2019 - 14/03/2019 Eco Construction – building with wood, recycling and reuse Linz (Austria), Workshop