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Press releases

Here you can find detailed information about BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg’s activities.

  • Press release - 23/09/2022

    The "Phytopharmaceuticals and Valuable Plant Ingredients" initiative aims to make the key economic issue of phytopharmaceuticals more visible in Baden-Württemberg in order to gain a better understanding of the challenges and needs of the state’s pharmaceutical industry. The overall goal is to strengthen the use of secondary plant ingredients in valuable products and build on this to develop opportunities for Baden-Württemberg…

  • Press release - 22/06/2022

    On May 11, the concluding conference of the ARDIA-Net Interreg project took place with 18 in-person attendees in Milan and 18 online participants. The programme for the half-day event included presentations and two panels on the project results as well as discussions on further cross-regional cooperation.

  • Press release - 03/12/2021

    The Kick-Off Conference of the new Interreg Alpine Space programme, which gathered more than 300 attendees, was organized by the Joint Secretariat in Salzburg and held online due to the COVID-19 restrictions established by the Austrian Government days previous to the celebration. It consisted of a two half-day programme (22nd and 23rd of November) under the motto “Let’s change our altitude”.

  • Press release - 08/04/2021

    The European Interreg project AlpLinkBioEco in comes April 2021 to a successful end. The final conference of the project was conducted on the 31st of March 2021 and attracted over 160 participants from different parts of Europe. AlpLinkBioEco, of which BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg is a partner, has been running for three years (2018-2021) as part of the EU-Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP).

Website address: https://www.bio-pro.de/en/information/press-release