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Bioinspired value creation
The creation of value based on imitating natural phenomena for the purpose of solving essential challenges at the macro- and microeconomic levels.1

Biointelligent value creation
The creation of value based on the interaction of biological, technical and informational processes for the purpose of solving essential challenges at macro- and micro-economic levels.1

The merging of biology, engineering and information technology.4 Biointelligence links information-driven intelligence with the development and establishment of new biological and/or bioinspired processes, systems, apparatus or value chains.5

Transferring phenomena from nature to technology; distinguishing three levels of learning from nature: learning from the results of nature, from the process of evolution and from the principles of nature.1

Interdisciplinary science that uses enzymes, cells and whole organisms in technical applications. Distinction between red, white, green, grey, blue and yellow biotechnology.1

The knowledge-based production and use of biological resources to provide products, processes and services in all economic sectors as part of a sustainable economic system.2

Digital transfortmation
Changes in value creation systems (companies, processes, products, technologies, networks) due to increasing use of digital devices (IT-based networking of production technology systems).1

Circular economy
Target state of a sustainable economic system from a material perspective. All raw materials used are fully returned to the production process beyond the life cycle of a product. Aspects of the circular economy include reuse, recycling, multiple use, and extending the life cycle of products.1

Artificial intelligence
The ability of a machine to mimic human abilities such as logical reasoning, learning, planning and creativity.3


1) Biointelligenz – Ergebnisse der Voruntersuchung zur Biologischen Transformation der industriellen Wertschöpfung (BIOTRAIN), 2019.
2) Definition provided by the Bioeconomy Council
3) What is artificial intelligence and how is it used? | European Parliament. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/headlines/society/20200827STO85804/what-is-artificial-intelligence-and-how-is-it-used
4) Biointelligent value creation – Whitepaper of the Biointelligence Competence Centre 2019.
5) Press release "Kompetenzzentrum Biointelligenz – nun stark im Verein“, 25. June 2021 (https://www.igb.fraunhofer.de/de/presse-medien/presseinformationen/2021/kompetenzzentrum-biointelligenz-nun-stark-im-verein.html).

Website address: https://www.bio-pro.de/en/activities/biological-transformation/glossary