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  • Climate protection and sustainability in hospitals - 09/11/2022

    The healthcare sector is not only facing major challenges in dealing with the consequences of climate change on human health, but it also needs to make a concrete contribution to reducing its own greenhouse gas emissions. Analyses show there are many opportunities to make medical care more sustainable, especially in hospitals’ daily routines. This is where the Heidelberg University Hospital and the viamedica foundation from Freiburg come in.

Press releases

  • Press release - 20/12/2022

    A polyester plastic of great mechanical stability, which is also easily recyclable and even compostable: Stefan Mecking, chemist at the University of Konstanz, and his research group present a new material.

  • Press release - 08/12/2022

    Tübingen biotechnologist Lars Angenent is being awarded the Leibniz Prize by the German Research Foundation (DFG) in appreciation of his outstanding work in the field of environmental biotechnology, it was announced in Bonn on Thursday. The DFG said: “In view of climate change and the resulting need to develop a sustainable food, chemistry and energy economy, his work is highly relevant.”

  • Press release - 08/12/2022

    The German Research Foundation (DFG) has awarded the 2023 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize to Prof. Achim Menges, head of the Institute for Computational Design and Construction at the University of Stuttgart. The award, which is endowed with EUR 2.5 million, is considered by many the most important research prize in Germany.

  • Press release - 28/10/2022

    The University of Stuttgart's MobiLab Real-World Laboratory aims to make Campus Vaihingen car- and emission-free. Research areas include autonomous vehicles and inductive charging while driving. In addition, MobiLab is helping to ensure that the University of Stuttgart will also be climate-neutral in the area of mobility and transport by 2030.

  • Press release - 26/10/2022

    What will the energy systems of the future look like? What technical foundations do we need, and how can the upcoming transformation be shaped in such a way that we involve all actors in society? Answers to such questions are to be provided by four research projects funded by the Carl Zeiss Foundation (CZS) as part of the “CZS Breakthroughs – Energy Systems of the Future” program. One of these is based at the University of Stuttgart.

  • Press release - 21/10/2022

    Remaining mobile and producing without overtaxing the earth’s natural regenerative capacity: That’s the aim of the Innovation Campus “Mobility of the Future” (ICM) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the University of Stuttgart. Here, in about 60 research projects and 40 research institutes, almost 300 scientists are working on electric motors without rare earths, novel manufacturing technologies, and self-learning software systems…

  • Press release - 21/10/2022

    Mobil bleiben und produzieren, ohne die natürliche Regenerationsfähigkeit der Erde zu überfordern, das ist der Anspruch des InnovationsCampus Mobilität der Zukunft (ICM) am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie und der Universität Stuttgart. Fast 300 Forschende in gut 60 Forschungsprojekten und 40 -instituten arbeiten hier an Elektromotoren ohne Seltene Erden, neuartigen Fertigungstechnologien und selbstlernenden Software-Systemen für Fahrzeuge.

Website address: https://www.bio-pro.de/en/activities/biological-transformation/aktuelles