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Meet & Match: Challenges in Early Drug Development and Innovation in Drug Delivery

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Campus Süd
Präsidium – Gebäude 11.30
Engelbert-Arnold-Str. 2
76131 Karlsruhe
Meet & Match
Target group
Company representatives and scientists from the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry
BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg, Alsace BioValley with support of Catalent Pharma Solutions
Caroline Ref


On December 6th, 2016, BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg together with Alsace BioValley and the generous support of Catalent Pharma Solutions will host a Meet & Match on "Challenges in Early Drug Development and Innovation in Drug Delivery" in Karlruhe.

The event addresses companies and research institutions in the pharmaceutical industry and biotechnology. It brings together developers and users. The aim of this Meet & Match is to intensify the dialogue between the Alsace and Baden-Württemberg, initiate contacts, cooperations or business ties between the participants.

The focus of the event is innovative dosage forms and drug delivery technologies for pharmaceuticals and vaccines. In short talks companies and scientists from both regions Baden-Württemberg and the Alsace present their current research projects and technologies. The language of the event is English.

To intensify the networking between the participants, also the attendees may present their company or research group in a two- to three-minute-presentation prior to the lunch in the Short Presentation Session. The number of partcipants in this session is limited and arranged for producing, researching and developing companies and research institutions. If you want to participate in the Short Presentation Session, apply therefore in your registration.

The participation in the event is free of charge. A registration is mandatory.
To register for the event please fill out the form below.

09.30 am: Registration and Welcome Coffee
10.00 am: Words of Welcome by BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg, Alsace Biovalley and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

10.30 am: Dr. Uwe Hanenberg, Catalent Pharma Solutions, "Challenges in oral Dose Form Development"
10.50 am: Dr. Séverine Sigrist, Centre Européen d'Étude du Diabete, "Double encapsulation of insulin: from concept to biological validation"
11.10 am: Dr. Sasha Koniev, Syndivia SAS, "Protein-drug conjugates as targeted cancer therapies"

11.30 am: Short Presentation Session

12.30 pm: Lunch

01.50 pm: Dr. Pascale Clement, Catalent Pharma Solutions, "Innovative Formulation Approaches to Improve Early Stage Development"
02.10 pm: Dr. Maria Asplund, Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK)/University of Freiburg, "On demand drug release from conducting polymer systems, from the petri dish to microfabricated brain implants"
02.30 pm: Hanna Wagner, BIOSS Centre for Biological Signalling Studies, "Stimulus-Responsive Hydrogel Vaccine Depots"

02.50 pm: Coffee Break

03.20 pm: Prof. Dr. Thierry Vandamme, Laboratory of Design and Application of Bioactive Molecules/University of Strasbourg, "Nanoemulsions as a general platform for biomedical imaging"
03.40 pm: Prof. Dr. Gert Fricker, Institute of Pharmacy and Molecular Biotechnology/University of Heidelberg, "Drug delivery to the brain by colloidal carriers"

04.00 pm: Get-together

04.30 pm: End of Event

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Website address: https://www.bio-pro.de/en/events/past-events/meet-match-challenges-in-early-development-and-innovation-in-drug-delivery