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Dufner Instrumente GmbH

DUFNER has been active as manufacturer of medical instruments on the international market since 1965 and during that time, has established itself as a reliable partner both for specialised traders and users. The basis for this succes has been consistent product quality and close partnerships with its users in particular its market leading, Reasearch & Development. Helmut Dufner, a master surgical instrument maker himself has suceeded in setting just the right innovative tone for the enterprise and also in bringing the company to the position it enjoys today.
In this light DUFNER sees itself continuing the tradition of being a reliable partner on the world stage for surgical instruments far into the future. As well as producing instruments for traditional open surgery, DUFNER programme also covers complete MIS systems.

Medtech CompaniesEndoscopy, Surgical Instruments
Website address: https://www.bio-pro.de/en/service/research-institutions/details